We just moved into the Fortine School District. What do we have to do to enroll our child?

First, welcome to the Fortine School, we look forward to working with you and your child. The enrollment process for any student who is transferring from another school within the state, (in district or out-of-district) in most cases, is nothing more than filling out some basic paperwork. This paperwork allows the school to request your child’s records from their previous school and collect data so we can register your child into the school data base for such things as class placement, emergency contact information, mailing address, bus route and any health information that we may need to know. If this is the first time your child is being enrolled in school we will also need a birth certificate and immunization records. Go to the Parent tab and click on new student enrollment for a pdf file you can download and complete prior to enrolling your child.

Families that have moved into the Fortine School District from out-of state will be required to provide us with current immunization records and we will need the mailing address and phone number of the school your child previously attended.

There are links on the web page under the Parent tab for enrollment of Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students. For all other registration information please stop by the office at the school and we will be glad to assist you with all other questions. 

We live out of your District but  would like to have our child attend the Fortine School. Is there a problem with this?

Absolutely not, in fact Montana State laws gives you the right to have your child attend whichever school you would like. The only issue is in regard to transportation. If you decide to have your child attend the Fortine School, we cannot go into another District to transport any student, so transportation would be the only issue.

Do you have a Pre-school? If so, what are the requirements?

We do offer a Pre-Kindergarten class 3 days a week but the number of students we accept into the program is limited based on the number of Kindergarten students we currently have enrolled. You can find more information and a pre-registration form by clicking here.

Do you have a Kindergarten? If so, what are the requirements?

We offer full-time Kindergarten, five days a week. You can find more information and a registration form here

Does the school provide any type of assessment to determine my child’s placement?

Yes. We like to know exactly where your child is performing so that we can best serve their needs. Most placements will have be determined by the school you came from but if your child has been home-schooled then placement is determined by the students age and in some instances how well they perform on the district assessment. 

In addition to the regular classroom assessment and the State assessment, we also assess all student at least three (3) times a year using our District assessment. The District assessment is used to determine how well your child is learning, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and what we, as a school,  need to do to improve their overall academic performance. Reports are given to the parents after each assessment period so you will be able to support and further your child’s education.  

What do I do if my child will be out sick or will be late to school?

You should call the school (882-4531) between 8:00 and 8:30am in order to notify the school that your child will be out sick or late.  When your child returns to school, you should send your child with a note for his or her teacher explaining the absence.

What do I do if I want to pick up my child after school, rather than have him or her take the bus?

We ask you send a note with your child letting us know of any change in their daily routine, but we understand that “situations” arise and this is not always possible. In these rare instances, when plans change during the day, you need to notify your child’s teacher and/or the office as soon as possible at 882-4531.

If you arrive to pick up your child, please make sure you notify the classroom teacher or the office that you are taking your child for the day .

What do I do if I am having problems with school bus transportation for my child?

If the problem is with the bus itself (such as it being late), then please call the school at 882-4531. 

Note that students are not marked as tardy if they arrive late due to the school bus arriving late.

If the problem is with behavior, discipline, or suspected bullying on the bus, then it falls under the school's code of conduct and you should contact the school and report the problem to the Principal or classroom teacher.

What do I do if my child needs to take medication at school?

If your child requires daily medication, we have a form that must be completed by your doctor. It is vital that the classroom teacher knows if your child has a medical condition that may require special treatment. If your child has Asthma, Diabetes, Seizures, or any other medical condition that requires supplies and medications to care for them, you must provide them on the first day of school. We will notify you when the medication is getting low. All medication will be kept in the office in a secure location. 

Consent to take over the counter medications (Tylenol, Motrin, and Benadryl) and topical medications for cuts/scrapes are also required for each child with your signature. If your child presents with a headache, pain, fever, or menstrual cramps, the School cannot distribute medications without a signed consent. You will be called to pick your child up from school if their discomfort requires medication. 

Why is the Fortine School calendar different than the Eureka School calendar?

The Fortine School makes every attempt to coordinate calendars with the Eureka School system but because the Fortine School is not part of the Eureka School system, a number of the services we provide to our students come from the Flathead so also have to coordinate with the Flathead schools calendar. Consistent with our philosophy, kids come first. 

How do I get alerts about whether or not school is canceled after it has snowed?

We have tried to make this as easy as possible. On this page, and other pages, you will notice, on the left hand side of the page      a button that says "Subscribe". By clicking on this button you are given the opportunity to subscribe to our email list which is used for notification purposes.

In regards to school closure, we use a phone tree to call every parent, guardian, or emergency contact and we post an announcement on the local radio station AND kit you subscribe to our email list, we will notify you via email.