Fortine School District

Welcome to Fortine School District

                 School Board Meeting

                    Monday, October 10, 2024

                 5:30 PM   Library

                  Join remotely 



                  Phone Number

                       (‪US‬)‪+1 484-546-8403‬

                 PIN: ‪977 866 439#‬



Fortine School

Regular Board Meeting, October 14, 2024

5:30 PM School Library & Remotely

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Recognition of visitors / Public comment (see policy below)

Business Report:

Fire Marshall Inspection

TR 35’s, Alicia & Lenore

GASB report

Out of District Transfers

Pole Replacement/Lincoln Electric

Administrative Report:

Strategic Action Plan

Open Enrollment Information

Unfinished Buisness:

New Business:


3141 Non-resident Student Enrollment

1400 Board Meeting time, 2 nd reading

Consent Agenda:

a. Approval of Bills

b. Approval of Minutes

c. Approval of Adjusting Journal Entries


The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on November 11 th ?

1408 Citizen Participation

The Board of Trustees may solicit the advice of citizens in planning and operating the school as deemed advisable by

the Board. Meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be open to the public. All citizens’ communications to the Board of

Trustees shall be addressed to the Board of Trustees. Citizens who wish to present any matter of concern to the school

shall make a written request to the District Clerk 5 days prior to the date of the regularly scheduled School Board

Meeting. The Chairperson will have the authority to limit the amount of time allotted for discussion of the problem.

Those individuals unable to request placement on the Agenda by the prescribed date and wishing to present items for

informational purposes will be allowed to do so. The Chairperson of the Board will have the authority to limit the

amount of time allotted for the above.